How To Access Camera of Any Device || Camphish || Kali Linux

Hello everyone. In this blog I'll show you how hackers access cameras of any phone or computer by sending a simple link...

What is CamPhish?

CamPhish is techniques to take cam shots of target's phone fornt camera or PC webcam. CamPhish Hosts a fake website on in built PHP server and uses ngrok & serveo to generate a link which we will forward to the target, which can be used on over internet. website asks for camera permission and if the target allows it, this tool grab camshots of target's device.


  # clone the Repo 
  git clone
  # Goto Camphish Dir
  cd Camphish
  # Give executable permissions
  chmod +x
  # Execute Camphish

# Disclaimer :-  

This video is only for educational purpose, please do not use this knowledge for any malicious or illegal intent...!!!